Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Multiply the Joy, Divide the Sorrow

As I sit here sorting through the thousands of thoughts that flood my mind when I begin to write a message to my fellow Veterans. I try to choose my words carefully and make sure that everything I say is kept within the boundaries of the highest respect. Not because I am afraid of insulting my brothers, we do that as a show of camaraderie. I do it because I want them to realize that I will not cast judgement on them for any reason. I have read many articles in the past few days about active duty troops and their struggles with PTSD and TBI. I have read that it is frowned upon to consider seeking help for PTSD. This disturbs me to the point of anger. Yes, it takes a special breed of person to go into battle and perform at such a high level. Yes, there is a certain sense of hardness that needs to be exerted while in such a situation. Been there, done that, stayed the night and walked home! Just as it is said that apologizing for a wrong makes you a bigger and better person, it is the same principle in reaching out for help. Would a smart soldier compromise himself and others by neglecting his weapon? I think not! So why would you want to compromise yourself and your fellow soldiers, sailors or airmen by neglecting your greatest weapon on the battlefield?

Few things evoked a more emotional response to me and my fellow servicemen than our families. I have a unique love for my fellow Veterans because my family is gone. If you have kept up with my previous entries you know my father shot himself as a result of PTSD. Don't you think I would like to have my dad back? You bet I would, I was 25 years old when he died and there was a tremendous amount of experience yet to be passed on. Too little, too late! Don't be that guy! Obviously, if you have PTSD you have been in some kind of hardcore situation that made a huge impression on your brain. Now that being said, complete the mission by ensuring that you are fully "Good to GO" by getting screened and treated by a professional.

The latest information I have read is that somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 of our finest are killing themselves every day. PTSD is no joke! This will kill you if you allow it to. The key being IF YOU ALLOW IT! You are in control by having the choice to get the help. If you choose not to get the help you forfeit control and you open yourself up to all the horrors that is PTSD. Nightmares, anxiety, anger, loss of self esteem, addiction, suicide and much more! I have walked hand in hand with all the things I just listed. If I said, "don't stick a fork in the toaster." Would you really need to ask why? Being a United States Military Veteran makes you a member of an elite group of people, the kind of people this world needs and wants. Be a Veteran not a statistic!

I am trying to plant the seed of healing. This seed will grow into the tree of life for us as Veterans. I can only represent one branch on that tree. I need each of you to help me care for each other. Together we will make that a tree that stands for freedom and liberty. If we are not healthy we are not free. I am sitting here fighting a battle 17 years after is signed my DD214. Not because I have to, but because I care about each and every one of you. That my brothers and sisters is respect. Pay it forward or pay it back. I choose my words carefully, you choose your actions with the same care and before you know it PTSD and all that it is will be gone. What will remain will be a proud legacy we all can share as America's hero's. Together we can multiply the joy and divide the sorrow!

Go do it!


1 comment:

  1. I come from a position of compassion and respect. A gift of Healthy Chocolate has been placed in my lap. I have sent requests to many friends and family, and military organizations to find a way to get veterans and soldiers to be able to eat the chocolate regularly. I am even willing to write a proposal to evaluate the benefits from eating this product.
    I was in a not good place due to experiences here on our homeland and eating the chocolate has brought back a sense of well-being in my life. Please let me know how I can aid our soilders.


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